Wildfire Mitigation and Tools

Wildfire Mitigation and Tools

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We Develope, Market and Sell, Factory-Direct Unique Premium Wildfire Hand Tools Designed for the 21st Century. USDA funded research to advance these tools to be, "The New Standard" for Safety, Versatility, Effectiveness for those doing the tough, and often dangerous job fighting fire, on the line.


We train and advocate a first ever Universal Blueprint and procedure to parry fire storms that cannot be suppressed. We advance mitigation skills beyond "Defensible Space" to give an option to revert to to make extreme fire storms pass, and do no harm.


A small plastic base board with a Universal Blueprint on it. Atop the tiny picture is a clear plastic disk with a wind arrow and 2 semi-circles of fire attached to the arrow. A rivet attaches the center of the arrow right over the little house, so the disk and arrow spins freely. To use the device to show the mitigator, where to lay fire, stand in front of the thing you want to survive the oncoming fire storm. Hold the Wizz Wheel on the horizontal. Next orientate the wind arrow so that it is in harmony with the on site wind. The little semi-circles of fire will line up in front of the outer Circular Dragon Ring and outside the middle Dragon Ring, The Wizz Wheel shows exactly where to lay fire on the ground out on the real Blueprint in the real world. The wind will blow, the just ignited flames into the Dragon Rings and go out. The mitigator keeps stripping larger and larger bites of ground fuel until the entire ground between the two outer Dragon Rings is all BLACK. The Smokejumpers first using/testing this scheme called the procedure the Black Donut of death, To reduce loss we will have to make this a common habit. 

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